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Welcome to the 2016-2017 FIRST Season

Hi Team,

It was nice to see some new faces yesterday! We are ready to get the new season started so here is some basic info that will be helpful if you are a new member and reminders for those that are older members:


During the Fall Season will be meeting on Wednesdays in room 101 from 3-4:30. We will be adding a day so that we can work on learning the Solid Works Software and Arduino Programming. We will probably add that in a couple weeks.

Kickoff for this year is Saturday Jan 7, 2017. SAVE THIS DATE! This is the ONLY required day that you must come to robotics. This is the day that the new game will be revealed and we only get 6 Weeks to build the new robot so I must have all team members present to get started on the robot that day. Kickoff is from 10am-12:00. Afterwards we will stay to start planning the robot. We usually finish around 3:00.

Once we have Kick-off we are in Build Season. Build Season goes from Jan7-Mid February. Build Season we will meet every day after school until 5:30 (or later if need be). I understand that this can get stressful for students at times and stress that school work comes first. So if there is a schedule conflict, just let me know—no problem. Just keep in mind that we only have 6 weeks to build the robot so the more you can come during the build season the better our chances of finishing it before competition.

Once Build Season Ends we are in Competition Season. This season runs from March-Mid April. We will compete in two competitions. Dates will be announced soon. Each event will run as follows: Thursday afternoon will will pack up our supplies and travel to our event location. We will be at the location until 10:00 pm. Friday we will be at the event location from 8 AM until 8 PM. Saturday will be at the event from 8 AM until about 6:00 PM. The school does not provide bussing so we carpool. Families are welcome to come watch - no entry fees. They do have concessions at events or you can bring your own food. We try to always have water bottles on hand. We will miss one day of school for each event. Some competitions are quite far away and require a hotel stay. I try not to do more than one distant competition a season. If we do need a hotel stay I will make arrangements and the kids will be sharing rooms to save on costs. It usually comes to around $100/participant. NOTE: This year we do not plan on an event that is more than 45 minutes away so we should not need a hotel stay.

After Competition Season is over we take a little break but also do some demos for the Middles School and Elementary School, etc.

Through the year we will also work on community service projects as they arise.

Usually the 3rd Weekend in June we will run the MARC Robotics competition in Monroe. This is a HUGE fundraiser for us so we really need all team members, families, and friends to help us out with this. We work with two other local teams to set up, run, and clean up a robotics competition run just like an official one. We usually bring in around $3,000 from this which means we do not have to run fundraisers during the season. Please consider helping. If we do need a hotel stay for an event, I give each team member a credit towards the hotel cost if they help at this event.


The kids were given a Member Agreement Form to sign and have parents sign. You can also print a copy here:!forms/c24eh

I need ALL members to sign up with FIRST robotics here:

Students need to use their own email address when signing up. If they use a parent’s address, then the parent will not be able to sign in to approve it. (I know, you’d think it would be a smoother process! If you run into trouble we can do this on the computer in the robotics room)

Keep your grades up! We follow the same rules as the sports programs do. If you are failing more than one class, you cannot attend Robotics.


Friday Oct. 7, Homecoming Parade, 4:30 High School Parking Lot, parade at 5:00. Bring Candy to throw if you want. Wear your team shirt. I have some extras for new team members that want to walk with us.

Wednesday Oct. 26 - Nerdy Poster Contest, Show us your own geeky style. Create or purchase a poster that you think is the most geeky or nerdiest and we will vote on the winner on Oct. 26. Winner will get a bag of “gamer grub”.

Jan 7, 2017, Kick-Off, more info to follow as soon as I get it. See the teaser for this year’s game here:


Our website has all upcoming dates, forms, etc on it so bookmark that page to keep up with what is going on with the team: (We are need need of a student to keep the site updated so let me know if you are interested in that job)

I also post things on Facebook-here’s the link to that:

FIRST Website:

Michigan FIRST Website:

3 minute video showing what FIRST is: (Featuring Morgan Freeman)

If you have any questions, as always, please ask!


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